Monday, 8 August 2011

Top 20 movies list for Ramadan

My daughter received this circulating on SMS and shared with me. I found it hilarious and felt like sharing widely. My favourite one is "The Curious Case of Unfolding Samosa" - which one's yours!

1) 30 First Dates

2) I Know What You Ate Last Ramadan

3) Sehri at Tiffany's

4) Dude, Where's My Food?

5) Save the Last Samosa

6) Harry Potter & the Goblet of Vimto

7) Harry Pakora & the Chamber of Ketchup

8) Harry Pakora & The Deathly Hunger

9) Iftar for Shmucks

10) Fast Another Day

11) The Curious Case of the Unfolded Samosa

12) Saved by the Adhaan

13) How to Lose a Stone in 10 days

14) Eat Pray Love...Sleep

15) The Pakora, the Samosa & the Chutney

16) Charlie & the Samosa Factory

17) Confession s of a Fruitchaat toholic

18) Indiana Juice & The Raiders of The Last Spring Roll

19) Fasting & Furious

20) Samosaman.

21) Gone in 30 fasts. No more


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