Wednesday, 9 September 2009

A Community united in charity for Swat IDPs

I owed readers a report on charity iftar dinner fund raising event in Cheshire, UK that I have promoted through my blog posts earlier.

The Muslim community in Cheshire and surrounding areas got together on 30th August to generate funds for the rebuilding of a school for girls in the Swat valley that were burnt or blown up during the war between Taliban and Pakistan army. Seventeenth Century Elizabethian venue Davenport Green Hall in Hale Barns provided the right atmosphere for over 550 Muslim men, women and children to get together in the holy month of Ramadhan to break their fast and contribute to the charitable cause.

Over 550 Muslim Community members gathered for the Iftar dinner
The event was hosted by International Foundation for Mother and Child Health (IFMCH) a Cheshire based UK registered charity. Its founder, Dr. Saleem Khan, talked of the plight of women in Pakistan where every minute a woman dies due to lack of knowledge of basic female health issues. He hopes the school could also be used in the evenings to educate the masses about female health with the help of IFMCH.

Members of Swat Iftar Dinner Organising teamThe Emerald Network (a network of young British Muslim professional) and major UK charities like Muslim Hands and Human Appeal helped to raise awareness for the event and contributed to its success. A brand new charity The Allama Mashriqi trust was also inaugurated at this event by Nina Khan. It is hoped that this new organisation will be able to help to reduce some of the social injustices throughout Pakistan.

Proud winners of signed Manchester United shirtDr Nighat Awan OBE lead the charity auction after the dinner and helped raise over £10,000 through the auctions of items such as a signed Manchester United shirt and a cricket bat signed by members of the Pakistan cricket team. These funds will be used to support the building of the school in the Swat valley through Friends of the Citizens Foundation charity. They have already built 600 schools in Pakistan and are aiming to increase the number to a 1000 by 2012. A large number of young Muslims boys and girls from all over the North West demonstrated their community spirit by joining the event as volunteers.

a large number of young Muslim boys and girsl joined the event as volunteersOver two million people from the Swat Valley and surrounding region were displaced this year, as the Pakistani army fought against the Taliban. Many men, women and children were forced to abandon their homes leaving their livestock and belongings behind as they moved into makeshift camps and temporary accommodation. They have been refugees in their own homeland as provincial governments have been restricting their movement out of the war zone.

Women and children have been the main victims of Taliban oppression and the military action. A vast majority of Girls schools were destroyed by Taliban along with other public infrastructure. The children of Swat especially girls now need help to rebuild their lives. This school will not only support repatriation of Swat girls into normal life but will continue to serve as a platform for raising awareness among women of health issues too.

Reverend Robert Hinton of All Saints CE Church in Hale Barns attended the event and spoke of his support for the project and Rabbi Joel Portnoy of Shay Lane Synagogue in his message to the community highlighted how their efforts were also in line with teachings of the Torah and wished the project success.
Reverend Robert Hinton of All Saints CE Church in Hale Barns”Subhannallah, it is wonderful to see so many people here today from different places, backgrounds and faiths coming together to support the children of Swat” said Dr Amir Hannan.

“The community is full of caring people who have much to offer to help each other as well as other fellow human beings. As a community, we are not helpless and blind to the suffering, especially of Children of Swat.”

Pictures and videos from the event are available on the event facebook page. [m859wpvx6a]


  1. The formation of Allama Mashriqi Trust for charity purposes is an excellent effort. Mashriqi was one of the greatest reformers from South Asia. He brought freedom to British India to uplift the masses. Website on Mashriqi:

  2. *New book* Government of British India on Allama Mashraqi and Khaksar Tehreek (Movement): A Select Chronology; A descriptive timeline of the correspondence of the Secretary of State, Viceroy of India, Provincial Governors, and high officials, intelligence reports, and other events (Focal Period: 1930s and 40s)

  3. I am azhar abbass malik and I am from Pakistan my father is an old man of 65. He is a patient of high blood pressure and asthma sir we are 5 sister and 2 brothers we are very poor even we have nothing for eating sir my mother is also a patient of heart disease she is also seriously ill .with this my father is going near to blindness there is eye problem in his eyes doctor demand for surgery that is very costly and we have no money for surgery . even doctor says if surgery will be delayed then he may will be blind they demand for 45000 but sir we have nothing for surgery

    We are so poor that we have no money to buy medicine for our parents my all sisters and one brother are school going and they are in great difficulty of lack of money but sir we are doing our best to come over on our finically conditions but nothing is going to happen

    Sir we tried to get help from our relatives but they refused to help us even they said that you are dirty person they aroused us and they slapped me

    Sir today we are without breakfast because we have no money to buy the things for eating sir we have to buy medicines for parents but we have nothing

    Due to these reasons I am writing to you kindly help me sir if you help us my parents will be recover form their present condition sir you know parents are very dear to all of us sir we have nothing except our parents

    Sir believe me I am telling you very thing true to you I asked to government of Pakistan but no body came to help us . sir kindly help me being a Muslim I deserve for help sir now a days when I see my parents I have no courage to face them because they are going to die and we no money for their survival

    Sir I am master degree holder (MA ENGLISHH) but o have no job you know in Pakistan they demand for money I have no money to give them so I could not get the job my younger brother is also the student of FSC

    If you help us sir may be my parents will recover pleas sir believe me sir we are very poor and deserving for help pleas sir you help me by giving us zakat sadqa or any type sir pleas help me

    CELL NO 92 03143418599

    1. Azhar Abbass this is very bad practice..whoever you are the supreme one will make you face the results of your every activity!! please leave this ridiculous job and some work rather than begging...
      guys all the above is a script...followed by some organisations. don't believe it, if you really want to help then check out people by accessing them your own.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. I am looking for Robert Hinton. One that lived in Lincoln, UK, over 40 years ago. If the Robert Hinton mentioned above is he, and he remembers Michael Crane, please ask him to email me:

    Thank you.
